Wednesday, May 2, 2012

To the Strong, We are Weak

Without a purpose, our path becomes an abyss,
Brush blocks our view, the trail is unfit.
Without compassion, we hurt, and pain is our bounty,
The dark is our waiting room, desolation our county.
Without love, we are deafened, blinded, and muted,
Where once was a smile, despair is exuded.

Showing one's love, compassion, and purpose,
What power in bringing an inner self to the surface!
To the strong, we are weak, and paradoxically, victors,
Loving those full of sorrow, thus tricking the tricksters.
A fool makes his life about himself, so weak and worthless,
True strength is in loving, compassion, and purpose.

So eat up your cakes, while you fatten and toil,
We share our bread, our harvest, our soil.
Men that are weak give without hindrance,
To the man that is strong, please ask for forgiveness.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you :) I appreciate the feedback... It truly means a great deal.
