Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Ruins

A shambled mess this city became,
Years upon years of war and decay.
Acclaimed for its intellect, acclaimed for potential,
Now ashamed of its corridors, smashed is its temples.

One yelled, "Rebirth!"
The other, "Submission!"
The others talked much,
But none would dare listen.

So war ravaged outer, but inner more deeply,
Hopes and dreams for a city, instead, died so weakly.

Without fight, without grimace,
Without struggle for image,
Without life, without balance,
Without growth, it grew callous.

Shrouded in misery, the city of plight,
The city was ruined, without life in its sight.

But there was one in its midst,
Yes one who might stand.
One might rise up,
One might make his demands.

He yelled, "Bring me brick!"
He screamed, "Clear the wreckage!"
He spoke of a newness,
A city corrected.

In a desperate attempt, he worked with new spirit,
Where the ruins once stood, stood new hope in the clearing...

There is not one  of us that does not have the ability to erect a new city within ourselves. Whether we are in ruins, or whether we simply need adjustments, there is hope. Every day is a new day, and every moment is a choice. The only thing guaranteed to us is our ability to choose our attitude at any given moment. Love is an attitude. May we spread it through all of humanity. 

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